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The New Mindset To Innovate


Real estate firms are often looking for PropTech solutions to stay in the edge of the ever-changing market, as the matter of fact, 85% considered digital and tech innovation as an opportunity. Yet, 70% of them do not have a clear enterprise-wide tech innovation strategy. With our years of experience in the real estate industry, firms are keen on searching for a ‘total solution’.


Most of the time, PropTech innovations and disruption are caused by small startups, rather than existing firms, as their small scale allows them to be more flexible and adaptive to the market. Understanding the fact that nowadays knowledge are widely distributed and it is impossible to recruit all the talents to one company, co-creation is the key to innovate.

Co-creation is to collaboratively develop a new innovation. Our program adopted the ‘open innovation’ approach promoted by Henry Cherbourg of the University of California where we go beyond to explore a wide range of internal and external sources. To create one successful real estate solution that can disrupt the market, the insights of real estate and the market, the knowledge of technology, together with the support of research and academic are essential. The complete and integrated breadth of expertise we offer can be you force of transformation.

Co-Creation Flow


Identify a list of real estate solutions

Co-create a total solution with real estate players, researchers, consultants, and PropTech innovators

Apply the solution to the clients

Explore alternative market for the solution



Rachel Yuen


Brainstorm Team Meeting

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